Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cabin in the Woods--Not a Horror Story!

I had the pleasure of spending this past weekend with my entire family: Mom, Dad, three brothers, one sister, two sisters-in-law, one brother-in-law, one nephew and one brother’s girlfriend. All in the same cabin in the mountains of Pennsylvania. And it was relaxing and beautiful and pleasant.

Three mustached, but beautiful ladies. My sister-in-law, me, and my brother's lovely girlfriend.

My family has many ways in which they show how much they love and care about me. One of the very important ways that they demonstrate their love is by respecting that I keep Shabbat and kosher. They do their best to understand not only the Halacha (laws) but also ask questions in order to better understand. They are careful to leave on bathroom lights and watch television in another room, as well as planning activities that will not force me to break Shabbat. For example, we went hiking (I was so glad my ankle held up!), played board games, and retold stories for the benefit of my baby brother’s girlfriend. Keep in mind, my baby brother is about to begin his junior year at Emory, so he is a baby only in the pecking order of the family.

The visit reminded me of how much I miss seeing everyone in person. We talk on the phone often, but it does not replace a real-life hug. And my family are definitely huggers.

Being from a big family is a blessing. There was always someone with which to argue, play, and discuss problems. We tormented each other but protected each other from outside tormenters. I always knew that my teachers would be pleased to see another Green, because of the impression that my older brother and sister set before me. Now, as adults, we have strengthened our relationships, which grow and change as we grow and change. We are friends as much as we are siblings, and that is not something that everyone can say. I am very appreciative to be so close with my brothers and sister. I guess my parents must have done something right.

My adorable nephew and I mug for the camera.

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